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Synonym: clove buds, clove flower, lavange, cryophyllum.
Bilogical source: cryophyllus Eugenia
Family: Myrtaceace

Description: it has glands -dotted leaves these are small simple opposite it contains flower buds, they are reddish brown in colour, These flowers started from 5 years nd one tree gives 34 kgs of flower Buds for a year
It's pick up in late season of winter
In winter season it is dried under Sun
length of the Clove is 13 to 19 mm nd width 4 mm
Colour-crimson to dark brown
Odour- slightly aromatic
Taste- pungent, aromatic
Shape- hypanthium

Chemical constitute : eugenol, acetyl eugenol, cryophyllene ester, alcohol, ketone, resin and tannins.

Use- Clove is used as antimicrobial agent in oral cavity
Streptococcus is a bacteria present in oral cavity this release polysaccharides causing dental carries, it's relief from clove.
clove oil is used as analgesic
clove oil is used as local anaesthetic
It is used as antioxidant
In manufacturing clove oil is used in toothpaste soaps cosmetics perfumes and cigarette. Clove cigarettes also call kreteks generally contain 60 to 80% of tobacco and 20% to 40% ground clove.

Clove oil is believed to be effective when applied on a cavity-affected or a decaying tooth, every night before sleeping. This results in the cavity getting subsided in a matter of few days. Also, its antiseptic properties incredibly help in curing the infection and as well getting rid of the microbes surrounding our teeth.

The presence of eugenol in clove oil has shown efficacy in getting rid of tartar and plaque from our teeth, when used effectively and on a regular basis. Its germicidal action likewise prevents any germs from attacking or sticking to our teeth. Alternatively, chewing one or two cloves a day also has similar effect.

When it comes to gingivitis, or in simpler terms, the problem of sore and /or swelled-up gums, clove oil proves to be once again effective. Its application tends to numb the gums, thus easing the pain while it also ensuing that the gums remain clean.

Mouth ulcers, those extremely painful cuts and wounds occurring inside our mouth can prove dreadful when it comes to talking, chewing or doing just about anything using our mouth. Clove oil application works directly on the pain, inflammation and soreness associated with those ulcers, and fastens the healing process.

Clove oil has this unique, overpowering smell which, when used, goes a long way in working as an effective and refreshing mouth freshener. Also, it does not leave our mouth dry and irritated, post use. For this very purpose, it has been used in a variety of commercial mouthwashes available out there. It is advisable to go for the clove oil ones instead of choosing those harsh, alcohol-based mouth rinsing products.

Clove or Lavang assists in fighting bad breath by killing bacteria and toxins that are present in the mouth. Besides, the clove oil cleans the mouth of all sources that foster bad breath. It also helps to clean any decaying matter that may lie upon the tongue or top of the mouth. It consequently helps to produce a fresh and pleasant smelling mouth. As a home remedy also, you could chew 2-3 whole cloves after the meals to eliminate bad breath in few minutes. Besides being used for centuries to reduce the dental pain associated with toothaches, clove oil may also be able to act as a natural oral microbicide.

This particular property of clove oil is largely due to presence of eugenol and the other chemical components present in clove oil like acetyl eugenol, iso-eugenol and β - caryophyllene. The phenolic compounds which are obtained from this oil are responsible for the antibacterial and antifungal activity. For this reason, clove oil has emerged as the potent agent exhibiting even much higher antibacterial activity than the standard antibacterial and antifungal drugs.

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